*Needs to be signed by the patient prior to appointment*
*Caregiver Signs upon release after appointment*

1. A responsible adult should be with the patient until they have fully recovered from the effects of the sedation.
2. Always assist the patient’s arm when walking. The patient should not go up and down stairs unattended. Let the patient stay on the ground floor until recovered.
3. The patient is to take extra precautions while using the restroom by sitting and/or holding onto grab bars.
4. The patient cannot drive or operate any type of motorized vehicle for 24 hours following sedation.
5. The patient can eat after surgery. If implants were placed, follow the guidelines given for that procedure. The patient also needs to drink plenty of fluids (preferably plain water) as soon as possible.
6. The patient may sleep for a long time or may be alert when he or she leaves our office. Attend to both the sleepy patient and the alert patient the same. Don't trust him or her alone. They may seem alert, but aren't!
7. Call us if you have any questions or difficulties. If you feel that the patient’s symptoms warrant a physician and you are unable to reach us, go to the closest emergency room immediately.
8. The patient should not care for or be left in the care of elderly or young children for a period of no less than 24 hours after the sedation visit.
9. Following most surgical procedures expect pain and soreness. Follow all prescriptions as written. In most cases, a non-narcotic pain regimen will be prescribed consisting of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These two medications taken together are known to be as effective as a narcotic with minimal side effects. We are a non-opiate office so please do not ask. If you have any questions regarding the medications prescribed interacting with current medications, please call our office, your physician, and/or pharmacist prior to beginning medication.
10. Any prescribed medications should be administered by an adult caregiver in the first 24 hours after sedation.
11. If a denture is delivered please attempt to leave it in for 24-48 hours. Once it is removed sometimes it is difficult to get it back in.

Patient name: _____________________________Signature: ______________________________ Date:______________

The above patient was released to my care in good condition. I acknowledge that I was given post op instructions.

Caregiver: _______________________________Signature: ___________________________Date:_________Time:______