Extraction & Implant Post Care Instructions

Extraction & Implant Post Care Instructions

Extraction & Implant Post Care Instructions

Rest: Rest for the first 24-48 hours. Physical exertion may cause the area to ooze and/or bleed.

Sedation: If you received IV or oral sedation please do not operate heavy machinery or drive care for 24 hours. You should also receive sedation post operative instructions.

Bleeding: Following surgery, bleeding is to be expected. Biting on gauze will be necessary to control bleeding. Some bleeding/oozing can last for up to 24 hours or longer especially if blood thinners are taken. If heavy bleeding persists, you can place a damp tea bag (regular black tea, not herbal tea) on the surgery site.. If concerned please contact us. If we are not open please go to your local emergency room.

Pain and Discomfort: Please avoid full strength 325 mg aspirin due to potential increased bleeding. Take pain medications that were prescribed to you as directed. Over the counter Advil and/or Tylenol are recommended. Talk with your pharmacist if you have any questions regarding the medications you are taking. Pain usually peaks at the 72 hours mark so don’t be surprised if it gets worse before it gets better.

Medications: Take your medications as directed. Antibiotics may have been started prior to surgery and they need to be taken to completion. Analgesics, anti-inflammatory medications, and rinses should be taken as needed. Do not mix alcohol and medications.

Swelling & Bruising: Place a cold compress against the operated area. Alternate 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off. Bruising can be extensive depending on the procedure(s) and can look worse before it starts to look better.

Oral Hygiene: Begin using Chlorhexidine rinse the day following your surgery. Rinse once in the morning and once in the evening everyday during the healing period. Warm salt water rinses can also be used. As healing takes place you can gradually brush near the surgery sites. Avoid waterpik at the surgery site as well until healing takes place.

NO Smoking: Smoking after any oral surgery can cause delayed healing. Smoking after implant placement can cause failure of the implant to integrate and cause implants to fail long term. Cessation of smoking should have occurred 6 weeks prior to implant surgery.

DO NOT use a straw: Any suction should be avoided as this can dislodge the blood clot and/or grafting material used over the surgery site.

Avoid Spitting: Forceful spitting can cause suction and dislodge clots leading to bleeding.

Bony edges: Small sharp bone fragments and/or bone grafting particulates may work themselves through the gums during healing. Oftentimes these work out themselves but sometimes they need to be removed. Please contact us if you are experiencing this.

Diet: Soft food diet is recommended for extraction, implant(s), immediate dentures and teeth removal. For example: Carnation instant breakfast, ensure, yogurts, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pastas. Avoid spicy, extreme hot/cold foods, chips, popcorn, or anything with shells or seeds. Refrain from alcohol and carbonated beverages as they slow healing.

Sutures: Do not lift or pull on the lip or cheek to look at sutures. This may displace them by pulling too hard on tissue. Dissolvable sutures generally dissolve in 5-10 days. Other sutures are generally removed in 1-3 weeks. You should have been given a post op appointment for suture removal if not dissolvable. Please follow up with us if you have any concerns regarding this.

IMPLANTS- DO NOT use the implant area(s) to chew foods. Excessive pressure to newly placed implants can lead to overload and failure. A soft diet is recommended for the first 6 weeks see above. Generally implants will be restored in 3-6 months depending on several factors. Please ask us if you have questions regarding your specific timeline.

Please call, email, text or stop by the office should you have any questions not covered above.